Why the fascination with Dylan Thomas?

2014 is the year in which the Swansea-born poet and playwright Dylan Thomas would have turned 100 years old.
In order to the mark the occasion, a vast number of events and performances have been organised in addition to the celebratory festival which takes place in the city each year.

But just why is he still such a relevant and celebrated figure so many years after his death, not only in Swansea but around the world? Why should we still care about his work?

Born in 1914 in Uplands, Swansea, Thomas started to write from an early age. Several of his poems were published in various magazines and newspapers and his first volume of poetry was published when he was just twenty years old.

Dylan Thomas statue in the Marina By Alicia Nugent

Dylan Thomas statue in the Marina By Alicia Nugent

Uplands by Alicia Nugent

Uplands by Alicia Nugent

Amongst many other things, he also wrote broadcasts and of course penned well-known works such as A Child’s Christmas in Wales and Under Milk Wood.

As Swansea inspired and is mentioned in much of his work, it could be said that residents of the city feel a sense of sentimental attachment and pride towards him.

Many of his former haunts such as Cwmdonkin Park and the house where he grew up, encourage tourism to the local area, therefore the city is still very much benefitting from his legacy.

Dylan Thomas' house in Uplands, Swansea 'Birth place of Dylan Thomas' By Alicia Nugent

Dylan Thomas’ house in Uplands, Swansea By Alicia Nugent

Perhaps it was his notorious reputation as an ‘unpredictable drunk’ that makes audiences think fondly of him or perhaps it was because he achieved a great deal in such a short life- in doing so, he brought the image of Wales and more specifically Swansea to global attention.


Numerous buildings such as schools and theatres have been named after the writer and in his centenary year a biopic starring Elijah Wood was filmed, documenting his transition to New York. Whatever the reason may be, the city’s love affair with the poet continues to grow and doesn’t show any signs of stopping yet.


The Dylan Thomas Theatre by Alicia Nugent

The Dylan Thomas Theatre by Alicia Nugent

'Dylan's Swansea' by Alicia Nugent

‘Dylan’s Swansea’ by Alicia Nugent

Why do you think that Dylan Thomas is still so celebrated today? Leave a comment!


    1. Dylan Thomas, have you seen the state on his followers, It goes without saying. Its one thing being Welsh but its another thing dressing up as If you were Welsh, cord trousers, reversible tweed supply teachers ties, ych y fi. The boy done bad, but he was one of ours. Lets face it he is no Chuck Berry, but he did have a go though.


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