About- Our City of Swansea

For those who don’t know, Swansea is a city situated on the coast of South Wales, UK.

Home to some 240 000 people, it is a diverse city which benefits from being surrounded by both the sea and countryside, whilst at the same time having a vibrant and constantly evolving city centre.

This blog is about just some of the cultural and historical elements that Swansea has to offer.


 About the Author:

My name is Alicia Nugent and I live and study in Swansea.

This blog has been created as part of the coursework for an Online Journalism module for which we could choose any topic to base our writing on.  I chose to focus on the culture and history of Swansea as it is so diverse and varied.

All images and content found on this blog are my own, unless stated otherwise.

I hope you enjoy my blog and feel free to comment or get in touch!



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